Frame of Life:
Digital Storytelling Blog

Our blog posts highlight our most recent Podcast episodes and resources to help you learn how to craft your story. Whether you're interested in curating your family history or want to personalize your  brand story for your small business or online brand, we've got you covered! 

Shortcake Albums Coralee Dixon Photo Album with three daughters


It’s time to trade mom guilt for memories! Do you feel guilty about never getting your family photos off your phone? Or have you worked hired a professional photographer for annual holiday photos but do nothing more than make a Holiday Card with them? You’re not alone! In this episode, I sit down with Coralee Dixon, […]

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Preserving Old Photos & Heirlooms with Kate Jacus

Learn tips and tricks for preserving old photos and artifacts with Archivist, Kate Jacus.

How to Keep Track of Heirlooms & Make Progress on Photo Projects

In this episode we chat about the key way I’ve been able to see progress when tackling personal photo projects in my “spare” time < Which seems less and less frequent these days.

Photo Tips For Travel

Today marks our 5th Episode in our Podcast and we’re celebrating by introducing our newest series called: Meet the Memory Maker.

Time To Backup

It’s time to evaluate and elevate your current backup strategy when it comes to saving and sharing your most precious photos and videos.

Try out our system for staying on track with your photo projects and memory keeping goals. Includes video tutorial and link to a Google Sheets Spreadsheet that you can completely customize for your own needs. 

Photo + Heirloom Collection Tracker


Document the moments and details that matter most to telling the story of your year. Snag our FREE Checklist here!

Family Yearbook Checklist