
How to Keep Track of Heirlooms & Make Progress on Photo Projects

I'm Kiera!

I used to be a memory hoarder.
That all changed when I inherited collections from generations past. 

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Photo and Family Heirloom Collection Tracker

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Family Yearbook Checklist 

Intentional Memories Workbook

In this episode we chat about the key way I’ve been able to see progress when tackling personal photo projects in my “spare” time < Which seems less and less frequent these days >

I’ve been documenting my memory keeping process and have been working to find ways to improve efficiency as well as create a system that also helps me to locate, backup, and keep track of progress I’ve made on photo projects.

In my regular practice — I use a project management tracker I created inside Asana to keep tabs of my “real” camera photos. I track importing the images from my memory cards, culling through my favorites, editing the images, exporting them, and backing them up. It looks something like this:

I particularly love that you can add tags to each description and use those tags to search my photos quickly later. My asana looks very similar to my annual photo collections on my external hard drive. So all images are imported into files by year and then named by YYYY.MM.DD_Descriptive File Name. I can search the file names to find photos quickly as well.

Since not everyone has time to learn a new system, I created a Google Spreadsheet version of the Asana tracker that you can download and use on your own. Included in the spreadsheet link is a video tutorial of how I use the tracker so you can start implementing it into your memory keeping practice.

Get our Free Photo and Heirloom Collection Tracker

I also talk about the IG Carousel Post that I shared that sparked the idea for this episode. You can check that full post out here. But here’s a quick overview of the cycle of a “Small” photo project and the 6 steps I suggest for getting out of it:


Link episode 3: Time to Backup

How to add a caption to a photo on your iPhone using Apple PhotosThe IG post that sparked this conversation for Episode 14

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Try out our system for staying on track with your photo projects and memory keeping goals. Includes video tutorial and link to a Google Sheets Spreadsheet that you can completely customize for your own needs. 

Photo + Heirloom Collection Tracker


Document the moments and details that matter most to telling the story of your year. Snag our FREE Checklist here!

Family Yearbook Checklist