

I'm Kiera!

I used to be a memory hoarder.
That all changed when I inherited collections from generations past. 

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Listen to the Podcast

Family Yearbook Checklist 

Intentional Memories Workbook

Trigger Warning:

Skip this episode if you’re “in” it right now and don’t have the space to start processing your grief.

This episode will be here and ready for you when you are.

That said, I also don’t hold back with my language in this episode so there may be an occasional loving F-bomb or 2 dropped throughout. So if you’re listening with littles in the car – maybe pause here and come back to me when you can pop some headphones on. 

If you’ve been following me for any bit of time you probably already know that I have experienced several significant losses of close family members, friends and lifelong pets in the past.  I’ve been there to support friends as they have experienced infertility, loss of parents, children, friends, and partners in their darkest of days while they were prepping for and processing their losses.

To that end, I feel like I’ve earned some grief stripes. 

I want this podcast to create space in the world to share stories that help us connect to each other, our world and process our legacies. I also don’t want to shy away from the hard topics just because that is what has conventionally been done.

This is our safe space to chat and grow together. 

Our episode this week covers the topic of grief and gives permission to seek and find joy during the darkest of your days.

What our guest this week, Sarah Marchione, and I like to call:

“The Rainbow Effect.”

Sarah is no stranger to grief. Our not-so-silent grief was actually one of the things that drew us together and helped us connect instantly and on an intensely deep level. We’ll cover more of the story inside today’s episode, linked above.

In the episode we talk about several resources, books, Netflix Shows and more that I wanted to link here for quick reference should you be interested later. Take them or leave them.

Stutz’ “String of Pearls.

Learn More


Forced Joy Project

Nora McInerney

Hot Young Widows Club



When Things Fall Apart – Pema Chondron

The Light Between Us –  Laura Lynne Johnson

The Invisible String

The Invisible Leash

Ida Always

The Stories We Tell – Joanna Gaines


We’re not licensed professionals. This information we are sharing here today is gathered from our opinions and  experiences from what has helped us process our grief only.

If you ever feel like you need more support through your grieving process, I want you to know you are not alone. You can reach out to your medical provider and/or search for a therapist in your area to help support you.

If you are in a crisis and need immediate support, dial 988 on your phone to be connected with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Prevention Lifeline and seek immediate medical attention at your nearest emergency room.

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