This episode was recorded live from my hotel room at Mirbeau Spa in Plymouth where I ran away for 2 days to catch my breath, re-calibrate my plan for finding work + life harmony, and catch up on a backlog of work.
I lovingly refer to this episode as: Woes, Woo and Worth.
Listen in or watch on YouTube for helpful tips and insight into what tools I was using to analyze and map out my priorities for managing my family life and business life.
I’m sharing my favorite tool with you to start inventorying your life and analyzing where your time goes and how much you have available to give to “all of the things” calling your name.
This spreadsheet helped me visualize my time and map out a plan for what I say yes to and when. It shocked me how little time I have available each week to actually work on building my Branding and content creation studio.
The spreadsheet showed me where I need to cut back time or flagged places that I can consider outsourcing to maximize my time to focus on what matters most to me.

Everyone’s priorities are different but this spreadsheet can certainly help if you feel stuck and need a place to start mapping things out.

I’ve really leaned into the whole idea of outsourcing to try to buy myself some time to invest more in what moves the needle forward for my energy, time and business.
Favorite things I’ve outsourced? (*Contains affiliate links)
- Laundry (folding and putting away)
- Organizing (Balanced by Katie Tengelsen) and Creating Systems for the Home (with Clean Slate)
- Delegating Household tasks using systems learned in Fair Play by Eve Rodsky*
- Getting the family to pitch in and work together on maintaining home after lessons learned from my Persist Coach, Lori Sugarman-Li (Author of Our Home Our Pride)*
Other sources mentioned during the show:
Megan Sumrell’s Podcast: Work + Life Harmony.
She’s an expert on managing time and I highly recommend checking out her TOP Program and Podcast to dive deeper into this topic. Can’t wait to have her on as a guest on this show!
Steven Covey’s Big Rocks visual: (and yes it’s super outdated — but highly impactful for seeing what we’re talking about with the Big Rocks).
If you found this episode helpful or relatable, I’d love to hear from you! Let’s connect over on IG!
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